Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 108 I Have New Things To Do

I haven't got it at home yet but I think this is what I'll be using to get more range of motion. Let me know if you want a turn. LOL

Looking pretty much the same. Well maybe smaller but never fear! My muscles are waking up and pretty soon they'll be bulging right out of this brace.

My appointment at the surgeons office: Time to wake up that hamstring withsome gentle hamstring strengthening.
My range of motion is 110 today although it did feel pretty stiff. I'm going to be using a Continuous Passive Motion device at home to help with my range of motion.
Click here to see.

Thank you to those that have left comments! It's terrific being able to get to know you.


Anonymous said...

My Breg Fusion brace came with a fabric sleeve that I wear under it. It's washable and helps keep irritation away. I have to wear my brace for a full year post-op, so the sleeve is useful for keeping the brace from getting all sweaty, too. If you didn't get one, you might want to ask the brace supplier if they have one for you.

I really liked the CPM machine. I used one after a manipulation (to break up scar tissue that had formed). I used it 8 hours a day for about 3 weeks (in 1 hour increments), eventually cranking up to the maximum felx/extension at the highest speed.

Keep up the positive attitude. It's gets better really fast now.

Skinnygurl said...

Hey there Molly! Loved reading your journal. Good job outta you! Thanks for sharing that!
Yes, I have a fabric sleeve for my Breg brace.
I hope you're right about getting better fast now. I'm at day 111.
I'm using my machine for three hours a day broken up into one hour chunks.
I hope you had a great ride!

Anonymous said...

I rode 40.5 miles on Saturday and 23.5 miles on Sunday! The knee held up fine - it was my bottom that limited my time on the bike. So, it's all real good right now.

On a more serious note, if you don't get all the flex you want and your OS starts talking about a manipulation, don't be afraid of it. It's nothing compared to the reconstruction surgery. I felt so much better after the manipulation - it was a thrill to see my knee bend as far as it should. I was up and moving almost immediately, and back on the bike within the month.


Skinnygurl said...

Wow Molly! Look at you go! That is fantastic news! I'm glad your knee held up and you're doing the things you love so much. These are serious injuries and the road to recovery is long but we're getting there! One day at a time, we're getting there!!
I will keep posting so please, stay in touch, let me know how you're doing.