Thursday, February 19, 2009

10 Months Post Op Of My PCL Surgery And Recovery

After seeing my surgeon just a couple days ago I have news to share. I've reached maximum medical improvement which means my knee won't get much better than it is right now. The PCL is strong and the surgery was a success. I have 140 degrees flexion which is excellent although I am hoping to gain more as time goes on.
I'm not running just yet and hope to get past this nagging pain soon. It still aches and stings around the knee cap. I continue to do strength training at home but still struggle with going down the stairs. It's not that I can't do it, it just pulls like crazy over the top of my knee cap.
I'll be required to wear my brace if I'm engaged in any pivoting sports for the next two months.
It's been a year since the injury. Nothing about a PCL injury or repair is easy. If you're faced with this, read my blog and prepare yourself. It's hard but you can do it.
Thanks to everyone that helped me through this journey. Please continue to leave comments and encourage one another. I will leave this blog up and continue to update.