Kind of shaky here and had to back up a little bit. Careful now, don't let that knee go over the foot. It's pretty close there.
Trusty Dagan is still right there at my side every step of the way. What a good dog.
Well today sure brought back some memories. It was almost embarrassing in physical therapy when I was handed 2 pound weights and asked to do wall squats. Before my accident I was holding 40 to 50 pounds and doing skier squats with a burn out of 25 reps at the end. Walking lunges used to be 30 paces holding 60 pounds. Now I can barely do a lunge while holding onto a rail! No worries though. I plan on working very hard and getting back to where I was before this happened. I think running is a long way off but I'll get there. I promise.
I see my OS in two weeks. I hope to surprise him with leaps and bounds! OK, how bout just leaps? My range of motion settled in at about 125 to 130. I have yet to see anything more but I will work hard to get it. More than anything I want to make my surgeon proud and glad he chose me for this special surgery. It's not exactly a cake walk but he believed I could do it and for that I am working hard to make this whole thing a success. The CPM device is still a big part of my life. I am on restrictions for sedentary work only. Last but not least I am stil icing like crazy.
My latest conquest – Mount Kinabalu Climb 28-29 Aug 2017 – Part II
The journey of a 40 something not so seasoned climber who is not so fit
also – you may find this useful if you are in this category (Story of my
climb) Aft...
7 years ago