Well today sure brought back some memories. It was almost embarrassing in physical therapy when I was handed 2 pound weights and asked to do wall squats. Before my accident I was holding 40 to 50 pounds and doing skier squats with a burn out of 25 reps at the end. Walking lunges used to be 30 paces holding 60 pounds. Now I can barely do a lunge while holding onto a rail! No worries though. I plan on working very hard and getting back to where I was before this happened. I think running is a long way off but I'll get there. I promise.
I see my OS in two weeks. I hope to surprise him with leaps and bounds! OK, how bout just leaps? My range of motion settled in at about 125 to 130. I have yet to see anything more but I will work hard to get it. More than anything I want to make my surgeon proud and glad he chose me for this special surgery. It's not exactly a cake walk but he believed I could do it and for that I am working hard to make this whole thing a success. The CPM device is still a big part of my life. I am on restrictions for sedentary work only. Last but not least I am stil icing like crazy.