Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 100 Baby!!!!!!!

It's been 100 days since my surgery! WOW! Today in physical therapy after much pushing my knee was measured at 105 degrees. I really thought it was going to be more and I almost broke down in tears with frustration when he told me. I look back on my blog at day 23 or day 44 or 55 and think wow if I only knew then what I know now. This has been a struggle to say the least. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I'm getting better. Slow going but at least getting better. I am still using my ice machine when I sleep. I am working so very hard on my exercises. My ankle is a bit of a concern but with my continued efforts, it will be just fine.
Stay tuned. 80 more days and I can run? Cross your fingers!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day 95

This is a weight and I have to push my knee straight. It's a strengthening exercise.
Yup, looking pretty much the same.

Hey everyone. Because I'm not putting much weight on my ankle, it's getting a little weak. I have been assigned to do ankle exercises twice a day along with my other tasks to improve my range of motion. Every day I work hard to get my quad muscles firing and every day I'm a little bit closer to recovery.
To update on how my knee is feeling: it still burns like crazy. Some times it aches, deep from the inside somewhere. My leg is still extremely weak and hard to pick up. Stay tuned!

Drop me a line.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

100 Degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trying to do my normal stuff. My dog almost weighs more than I do.
Pictures are worth 1,000 words!
My knee is not stable because the inside quad is so weak. This tape job really helps support that.
There ya go. My knee is beginning to look like a knee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is day #89 post op. WOW! On Friday my knee was bent all the way to 100 degrees! Triple digits baby!!!!! I am working very, very hard on building my quads back up, especially the inside muscle so my knee cap will track correctly.

My knee still burns like crazy and I'm using my ice machine all the time but it's getting better. That's what counts. It's getting better.

I see my doctor again in August. No one ever said this was going to be easy but I do see light at the end of the tunnel. Finally I see the beginning of the end.For those of you that contacted me, thank you so very much, I am thrilled beyond words. If there is anyone else out there following me, drop me a line and let me know!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 85 Of My PCL Recovery

Day 82, I'm using my brace but took it off for the picture.
day 83 using 3 pound weight. I think I see a muscle on my leg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See?? Look real hard, I know it's there.

I never would have guessed in a gazillion years that I would still be walking on crutches and in so much pain. I'm still using my Kinex ice machine at night and ice packs through the day. My quad is so small that now my knee cap is tracking wrong. The Knee flat out won't bend. It gets to 98 degrees or so and the pain shoots me right off the table. We're working very hard in pt. Once the hamstring heals, if my knee still isn't bending plan B is to put me to sleep and force it followed by daily physical therapy sessions. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Today Is Day 77 And I Have Big News From My Doctor


Another month of the same. No driving, No working, still walking with crutches. My new prescription is to get my knee to bend but still no hamstring strengthening. Quads need to get bigger and stronger too. Last measurement for my knee was 97 degrees. I'll have to get 120 degrees or more before I'm cut loose to drive and all that fun stuff. So it looks like August before I get my car out of the garage. Drop me a line, is anyone out there?